T1 Introduction of Operating System

Application software performs specific task for the user.
System software operates and controls the computer system and provides a platform to run application software.

An operating system is a piece of software that manages all the resources of a computer system,both hardware and software, and provides an environment in which the user can execute his/her programs in a convenient and efficient manner by hiding underlying complexity of the hardware and acting as a resource manager.

Why OS?

  • What if there is no OS?
    • Bulky and complex app. (Hardware interaction code must be in app’s code base)
    • Resource exploitation by 1 App.
    • No memory protection.
  • What is an OS made up of?
    • Collection of system software.

An operating system function -

  • Access to the computer hardware.
  • interface between the user and the computer hardware
  • Resource management (Aka, Arbitration) (memory, device, file, security, process etc)
  • Hides the underlying complexity of the hardware. (Aka, Abstraction)
  • facilitates execution of application programs by providing isolation and protection.

  • The operating system provides the means for proper use of the resources in the operation of the computer system.

    Happy Coding❤️